Here’s one from left field – Nathan’s Famoushave taken the wraps off something altogether unexpected this month: Spicy Asian Barbecue and a Slaw with Kogi Sticky Spicy Wing Sauce. The new releases available through June 25th include several options:
- Spicy Asian BBQ Chicken Sandwich
- Spicy Asian BBQ Slaw-Topped Hot Dog
- Spicy Asian BBQ Chicken Tenders
- Spicy Asian BBQ Chicken Wings
- Spicy Asian BBQ Chicken Fries & Slaw
Some standouts include the chicken sandwich featuring
- Crispy chicken breast
- Coated in Kogi Sticky Spicy Wing Sauce
- Spicy Asian BBQ slaw
- Green onions
- Sesame seeds
- Toasted and buttered Turano roll
The hot dog meanwhile continues in a similar vein with
- Classic Nathan’s Famous hot dog
- Spicy Asian BBQ slaw
- Kogi Sticky Spicy Wing Sauce
- Green onions
- Sesame seeds
Image credit, Nathan’s Famous.
Hi, I’m Stuart, nice to meet you! I’m the founder, writer and wrangler at Gastronomic Salt Lake City, and a former freelance restaurant critic. I’ve worked extensively with local, regional and national food and drink organizations. I’m a multiple-award winning journalist and have been writing about food and drink for more than fifteen years. I’m largely fueled by a critical obsession with rice, alliteration and the use of big words I don’t understand. I don’t mind admitting to a certain secret obsession with fast food as well – and that’s where Menu And Price comes in…