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McDonald’s Spicy Nuggets – review

McDonald's Spicy Chicken Nuggets with Mighty Hot Sauce

McDonald’s have been teasing these new Spicy Nuggets for a while now – but finally today – these started to roll out of kitchens up and down the land. The Nuggets come in three basic sizes, two of which also offer a meal option. I guess McDonald’s don’t think I can manage a 20 piece Nugget meal… I can…

The McDonald’s Spicy Nuggets are priced as follows in my area (Utah):

  • 6 piece, $3.50 (meal $5.85)
  • 10 piece, $5.00 (meal $7.60)
  • 20 piece, $10.00

There’s also a brand new sauce that accompanies the new nuggs, the Mighty Hot Sauce, that promises to bring some extra punch. So how are they, any good you ask? First, some pictures:

McDonald's Spicy Chicken Nuggets
McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets
Regular and spicy nuggets - spot the difference
Regular and spicy nuggets – spot the difference
McDonald's Spicy Chicken Nuggets interior
McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets interior
McDonald's Spicy Chicken Nuggets interiorclose up
McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets interior close up
McDonald's Spicy Chicken Nuggets dipped in Mighty Hot Sauce
McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets dipped in Mighty Hot Sauce
McDonald's Mighty Hot Sauce
McDonald’s Mighty Hot Sauce

The Spicy Nuggets are essentially the existing Nuggets renewed with a little extra heat. That means if you love McDonald’s existing Chicken Nuggets, thick batter and all, you’ll enjoy these two , provided you like a little extra warmth. The Spicy Nuggets have a really pleasing crunch, again, it’s a relative thick batter. Inside it’s a typical spongy reformed affair, but I didn’t find any tough/dry/rubbery nuggets.

The spice level is admittedly tame. On launch day, McDonald’s are going as far as to offer “spice-surance” – a free order of regular Nuggets in case you can’t manage the heat of these. The extra Nuggets are a nice touch, but I can’t imagine there will be many out there that can’t handle the mild level of heat. It’s a little more warmth than a hefty dose of black pepper, around the mouth and throat, but not exceptionally more than that. It’s a nice change of pace from the regular Nuggets of course, but it’s barely a 1/10 heat in truth.

The Mighty Hot Sauce mind you is a different ball game. Chili-heads won’t bat an eyelid again, but it does have some noticeable bite and kick. It’s a relatively thinner vinegar based sauce and has a cayenne style heat. It’s mellowed out with a little sweetness – the package mentions apricot concentrate. In fairness the Mighty Hot Sauce has enough kick that if you apply it to either the regular or Spicy new nuggets, you’d be hard pressed to tell the difference; the sauce might just be the most interesting part of the new product launch.

Overall, a solid new addition to the McDonald’s menu. So are the new McDonald’s Spicy Nuggets any good? Yes, yes they are. Go grab some now!

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