New for the Summer at the golden arches this year, an all new sweet treat to cool you down. Now available the brand new Chocolatey Pretzel McFlurry.
The chain write that “Each McFlurry is made with McDonald’s creamy vanilla soft serve, mixed with chocolate-covered pretzel bits and topped with a rich caramel swirl – making it the perfect combination of salty and sweet.”
At the McDonald’s closes to us in Salt Lake City, the Chocolatey Pretzel McFlurry is pried $3.45 for the regular size, and $2.60 for the snack size.
Image credit McDonald’s.
Hi, I’m Stuart, nice to meet you! I’m the founder, writer and wrangler at Gastronomic Salt Lake City, and a former freelance restaurant critic. I’ve worked extensively with local, regional and national food and drink organizations. I’m a multiple-award winning journalist and have been writing about food and drink for more than fifteen years. I’m largely fueled by a critical obsession with rice, alliteration and the use of big words I don’t understand. I don’t mind admitting to a certain secret obsession with fast food as well – and that’s where Menu And Price comes in…